My Morpara Profile
Where can I view my past transactions on Morpara?
To view your past transactions on Morpara, you need to continue to the "Accounts" menu.
In this section, you can filter all your past transactions by date or transaction.
How can I change my photo on my Morpara profile?
To change the profile photo on your Morpara account
Click on the profile icon on the top left of the Morpara app
Select one of the options "Take photo, select from gallery or delete photo"
Click "Save".
Where can I update my phone number?
To update your phone number:
1. Open the Morpara app.
2. Click on the "profile" icon on the top left
3. Go to the Account Details menu, enter your new number in the "Phone Number" field and update your phone number.
Where can I update my e-mail address?
1. Open the Morpara app.
2. Click on the "Profile" icon on the top left
3. Go to the Account Details menu, enter your new e-mail in the "Email" field.
4. Continue with the "Save" button.
When you enter your new e-mail, you will be notified by e-mail or message. You will now receive good news from us via this e-mail :)
Where can I update my home address?
To update the registered home address:
1. Open the Morpara app.
2. Click on the "Profile" icon on the top left
3. Click on the "Address" button under the "Account Details" heading.
4. On the address page, you can update your address or add a new one.